1. Terms and definitions
  The Site Administration is MEDHELPZ4 ÖZEL SAĞLIK HİZMETLERİ TURİZM DANIŞMANLIK İTHALAT İHRACAT, a company registered under the laws of Republic of Turkey, registration number: ANTALYA / 126615, registered office address: ETİLER MAH. EVLİYA ÇELEBİ CAD. NO: 23 iç KAPI NO: 106 MURATPAŞA, ANTALYA, Turkey hereinafter referred to as the "Site Administration".
  Information, information materials - any information (messages, data), regardless of the form of their presentation (text, graphics, audio, video, etc.) posted on the Site.
  Use of information posted on the Site - its reproduction (including copying), distribution by any means (its transmission to a non-specified group of persons - by oral or written disclosure, posting on other sites on the Internet, public display, communication air, cable, etc.), translation, processing, communication to the public and other means of use provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Turkey.
  Use of the Site - familiarization (visual, auditory) with information posted on the Site.
  Users - individuals (including representatives of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), who can view information posted on the Site www.MedHelp24.com.tr and add the information on the Site.
  The rightsholder is a natural or legal person, the owner of the right of authorship and / or exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity used by the Site.
  Website - www.MedHelp24.com.tr

2. General Provisions
2.1. This User Agreement defines the terms and procedure for the use by visitors of the Site (hereinafter also the "Users") of information, news and other materials posted on the Site by the Site Administration, the rules for using the information by the Site, and the interaction of Users with the Site Administration.
2.2. In accordance with this User Agreement, the Site Administration provides Users with services to access the Site and use all of its resources effective at the time of Users access to the Site, including the ability to use the Site as an information space, for placement of advertising information, as well as a service for the search and classification of medical institutions and doctors using the database created by the Administration of the Site.
2.3. The Administration of the Site does not provide medical services, nor does it provide recommendations on the treatment and use of medicines and / or medical equipment. Such issues are in the exclusive competence of a qualified health professional.
2.4. Any materials posted on the Site are objects of intellectual property (objects of copyright or related rights). The rights of the Administration of the Site to these materials are protected by legislation on the rights to the results of intellectual activity.
2.5. The rights to use and authorize the use of materials posted on the Site belonging to rightsholders other than the Site Administration are allowed only with the permission of such rightsholders or in accordance with the conditions established by such rightsholders. None of the provisions of these Rules does not entitle third parties to use the materials of rightsholders directly indicated on a material posted on the Site, or in the immediate proximity of the said material.
2.6 The user agrees to the processing of personal data according to the rules of section 5 by clicking the "Register" button when using the online form or by contacting the call centre by continuing the conversation with the operator after dialling and listening to the welcome message.

3. Use of the Site and information posted on the Site. Copying information.
3.1. When using information posted on the Site, for any purpose (including copying or citing information), an active direct hyperlink to the Site is required, or an indication of the source - Website www.MedHelp24.com.tr This rule applies to the use of information both in Internet and other intangible media as well as in print or other forms on physical media.
3.2. Making any changes and / or additions to the information posted on the Site, as well as any processing of this information (including reduction of information, indication of another author / holder or publication without placing a link / active hyperlink pointing to the source of information - Website www.MedHelp24.com.tr, other processing, including, leading to distortion of the meaning of information) is prohibited.

4. Rights to information materials of third parties, settlement of claims
4.1. If the rights to information materials posted on the Site belong to third parties, these materials are  placed on the Site either with the permission of the copyright owner received by the Site Administration or, if such use is not directly prohibited by the copyright owner, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Turkey for information purposes with mandatory indication of the source and the name of the author.
4.2. If there is an error in indicating an author of the information material in accordance with clause 4.1. of this User Agreement, or in the case of use of material with a suspected or actual violation of the rights of third parties or in other disputable cases of use of intellectual property objects posted on the Site, the following procedure for the settlement of claims of third parties to the Site Administration should be followed:
• the person whose right was violated / threatened to violate must send a relevant complaint to the Site Administration sending e-mail at [email protected]. This claim should contain information about the intellectual property object, the rights to which belong to the person, and which is used illegally through the Site or in violation of the rules for the use of information, or otherwise violates the rights of the applicant as the owner of the exclusive right to the object of intellectual property posted on the Site. The following documents must be attached to the claim: copies of documents confirming the applicant's rights, including documents containing information about the rightsholder, as well as documents confirming the authority of the person who signed the claim, if acting as a representative. The claim also specifies the address of the Site page that contains data violating the rights of a person and sets out a full description of the essence of the violation of rights. The specified person also undertakes to send a claim to the Site Administration in writing within one day from the date of sending the claim by e-mail. The Site Administration undertakes to review the properly completed claim within 10 (ten) working days from the date it was received by electronic communication, but in any case, no more than 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the claim in writing. The Site Administration undertakes to notify the person about the results of consideration of his claim by sending a letter by e-mail and / or send a response in writing to the address indicated by the person. Also, the Site Administration has the right to request additional documents, certificates, data confirming the legitimacy of the claim. If the claim is recognized as legitimate, the Site Administration undertakes to take all possible measures necessary to stop the violation of the rights of the person and settle the claim.
4.3. The Administration of the Site cooperates with the authors of the information materials posted on the Site, including taking measures to ensure that the placement of these materials complies with the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus and does not violate the rights of rightsholders and third parties.

5. Confidentiality 
5.1. The User agrees to the processing of personal data provided by the use of the Site, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (updating, modification), extraction, use, provision of personal data (including to a medical organization or to a doctor, depending on the situation), transfer (including through distribution, access), depersonalization, blocking, deleting and liquidation. The user gives his consent to the collection, storage and transfer of his personal data to third parties that provide services for processing Users’ calls and requests under the agreement with the Administration of the site.
5.2. When using certain services of the Site, the User informs the Administration of the site about the fact of applying (including the intention to apply) for medical assistance to a doctor of a certain specialty. To improve the quality of services provided, the Site Administration has the right to record telephone conversations between the User and employees of the call centre.
5.3. The User authorizes to collect, store, and process this information, as well as to provide it to the medical institution and / or the doctor to whom the user applies for the provision of medical services.
5.4. The User is not obliged to provide the Administration of the site while using the Site any information about the state of its health. The User has the right not to provide any additional information to the Administration of the site (or call-centre) when enrols to the doctor using the Site, but his full name, contact phone number and email.
5.5. The administration of the site does not carry out any processing of personal data relating to the health and personal life of Users (special personal data). Such data is provided by Users directly to doctors or medical organizations, that are obliged to maintain medical confidentiality.
5.6. The administration of the site undertakes to take measures to protect the confidentiality of information received from Users and not to disclose it to third parties other than those specified in the Agreement or legislation.
5.7. The administration of the site collects information about actual visits to a particular doctor to optimize reception schedule, but do not collect any information about the actual treatment of a specific user either by a doctor or by a medical organization and does not disclose such information.
5.8. The site administration uses industry-wide technology "Cookies".

6. Limitation of liability
6.1. Information posted on the Site cannot be used as a guide for self-diagnosis and treatment.
6.2. Using information posted on the Site, the User understands and accepts that the Administration and owners of the Site are not responsible for the decision taken by the User on the treatment of certain diseases.
6.3. The User understands that he is solely responsible for possible negative consequences and damage to health in case of self-treatment, based on incorrect interpretation and / or use of information posted on the Site.
6.4. Information posted on the Site may contain hyperlinks to other network Internet resources (sites on the Internet). Administration and owners of the Site are not responsible for the content of external resources and the possible consequences of using the materials presented on them.
6.5. Users also accept the fact that the Site Administration is not responsible for the relevance of the contact data of medical clinics and doctors on the Site (including addresses, telephones, working hours, prices, hyperlinks to third-party Internet resources, etc.). including Users’ possible losses in connection with the use of such information. For complete information and additional data, Users are entitled to visit the sites of the respective medical clinics.
6.6. The administration of the site is not responsible for the quality of medical services rendered by doctors or medical organizations, including those details of which can be found on the website.

7.1. Users have the right to submit their reviews and questions to the Site Administration through the feedback form in the "Contacts" section. The User's message must include: User's name, text of the message, contact information for communication.
7.2. A reply to the request is sent by the Administration of the Site within 10 (ten) working days from the date of its receipt.
7.3. Answers to Users’ messages can contain popular medical information available in public sources, but it is not a substitute for medical advice.
7.4. The Site Administration reserves the right not to respond to anonymous and / or incorrect questions, questions not related to the Site topic, questions beyond the scope of the authors' competence, as well as questions already answered on the Site.
7.5. The Administration of the Site www.MedHelp24.com.tr has the right to post on the Site requests (questions, comments, suggestions) received from Users, as well as delete them from the Site at its discretion. The Administration of the Site also has the right to remove unauthorized information of advertising content from the Site pages, other messages that do not comply with the provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus without warning Users.

8. Posting reviews on the Site
8.1. Users have the right to post on the Site reviews about a medical clinic or doctor visited. By sending the Site Administration such reviews for posting on the Site, Users are considered to have transferred for free to the Site Administration the right to freely use the feedback and to provide access to these reviews to third parties within the Site. The Site Administration reserves the right to use the review (as well as photographic materials) at its own discretion and place it on other resources (in magazines, newspapers, catalogues and other print media).
8.2. By sending to the Site Administration a feedback for posting on the Site, the User guarantees that he can confirm the fact of visiting the refereed medical clinic and / or the doctor. If there are any disputable situations, the Site Administration has the right to request more detailed information from the User.
8.3. The feedback sent by Users should be specific and informative, contain complete information about the medical clinic and / or doctor visited. When writing reviews, it is forbidden:
8.3.1. Use of feedback from other Users copied from any sources;
8.3.2. Placement of hyperlinks to any Internet resources;
8.3.3. Placement in the reviews of information containing: commercial offers, advertising and anti-advertising; information that is illegal, including information that violates honour and dignity, rights and legally protected interests of citizens; information infringing the copyright and related rights of third parties; false information, slander; obscene or offensive language; materials that promote incitement of national hatred, calling for the perpetration of violence against any person or group of persons, cruel treatment of animals, containing instructions for the commission of illegal activities, including clarifying the use of weapons; advertising of narcotic drugs; information that violates the rights of minors; materials, the placement or transfer of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus or violates the generally accepted norms of morality and morality; materials and photos of pornographic nature.
8.4. In case of violation of paragraphs 8.3-8.3.3. of this User Agreement reviews, comments and other entries of Users are not subject to posting on the Site

9. Other provisions
9.1. The User accepts that all materials and services of the Site or any part thereof may be accompanied by advertising. The User also accepts that the textual and banner advertising posted on the Site contains information of third parties, the responsibility for which is exclusively assigned to these persons in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus. For the content of advertising materials placed by these third parties, the Administration of the Site is not liable.
9.2. The Administration has the right to change the design of the Site, its contents, the list of sections, change or supplement the scripts, software and other objects used or stored on the Site at any time without notice to the User at any time.
9.3. The Administration ensures the functioning and operation of the Site and undertakes to promptly restore its operability in the event of technical failures and interruptions.
9.5. The website www.MedHelp24.com.tr may contain medical information. The user of the site determines himself the degree of acceptability of the posted information. Persons who have not reached the age of sixteen are not recommended to view the Site.

10. Final Provisions
10.1. This User Agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Turkey is an interconnection agreement and is considered concluded for an indefinite period from the moment of the actual use by the User of the Services of the Site and information posted on it.
10.2. The User confirms that he is acquainted with all the clauses of this User Agreement and certainly accepts them.
10.3. Any disputes arising from or related to this User Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the applicable laws of the Republic of Cyprus.
10.4. Nothing in the User Agreement can be understood as the establishment between the User and the Site Administration of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activities, or any other relations not expressly provided for in the User Agreement.
10.5. The Administration of the Site has the right at any time to unilaterally change the terms of this User Agreement. Such changes take effect at the time of posting a new version of the User Agreement on the Site, unless another effective date is specified in the new edition of the User Agreement. If the User disagrees with the changes made, he must refuse access to the Site, stop using the materials and services of the Site without making claims to the Site Administration.

10.6. The User registered on the Site as “Doctor” has to pay annual registration fees specified by the Administration of the Site not later than in 5 days from the date of the registration on the Site according to the Invoice issued by the Administration of the Site. If the payment is not received within the specified period the Administration has the right to remove the User and relevant information from the Site.
10.7. After the registration to the Site all payments made for the period of the validity are non-refundable.
10.8. The invalidity of one or more provisions of this Agreement as a result of the amendment of the legislation of the Republic of Turkey or the recognition thereof by the court shall not entail the invalidity of the remaining provisions and this Agreement as a whole.